all Things Poetry and creative writing

Gentle Goodbye

A reflective woman holding the glowing silhouette of a baby in her arms while gazing out a window at a snowy neighborhood, symbolizing loss and memory.

Ever so gently,
I had to let you go.
You graced my life, a fleeting whisper,
Brief yet deep as the dawn’s first glow.
Pure and bright, a tender shadow,
Covering my heart, then softly, you vanished—no trace, no echo.

Each flake, a dream, a hope unkept,
You, a silent song in winter’s cradle swept.
I clung to your hand,
Even as destiny murmured, “Time has crept.”
In the womb, where life stirs, a shadow crept,
Where I feared I’d vanish, too, in the void you left.

Yet, within this darkness, a faint light dared,
Perhaps, in another life, under different stars shared,
We’ll meet again, where pain has spared,
Not just as my cherished baby,
But as my treasured friend, in love’s repair.

Under the moon’s watchful gaze, la luna’s soft gleam,
I’d hold you close, in arms that dream.
Though you’re gone, within my heart, your light beams—
I never felt your touch, your presence but a dream,
Only knew your essence, a silent stream, a love supreme.

“Lo siento,” my heart whispers, where once you were dreamed,
Her body ached but couldn’t be the harbor you deemed.
“Pero espera,” with hope, amidst the shadows that teemed,
That you feel her love, steadfast, as the moonlight streamed,
A beacon, guided by la luna’s gentle beam,
Lighting our dreams, where I hold you, redeemed.

In crafting this tapestry of hope, sorrow, and love’s theme,
Our spirits merge, in this life or another, it seems,
With every sunrise, every shadow, beneath the moon’s beam,
Your memory, a beacon, in my heart, a serene gleam.
Tu amor, a star in the night sky, a luminous dream,
Guides me, comforts me, in its celestial seam.